SWEET DOGE!!!!!!!!!

Did you know that Dogs were the first tamed animal?  Strange but true fact that got me thinking about the importance of Dogs and why they are the best pet ever. Let’s explore why I believe Dogs are the best pet ever. Not only are they the first tamed animal, they can learn some many cool things  and are also the world’s most famous pet!!!!



     First, reason why I like dogs is they were the first tamed animal over 20,000 years ago. WOW! That was a long time ago! They are less powerful to control having little power to do work. They became more docile and obedient over the years. Saving you save more money the buying cat litter but when then dogs go poop you just have pick it up.


      Next, dogs can learn 100 words. They can also Learn 100 gestures. Owners teach them soooo many commands and tricks wow! They can also help people in need and help disability people. You can put them in training. For, exemple. You can buy hoops train them so they can jump through them and if you buy weaving  poles they will go around them.


    Last but not least, dogs are the most popular pet on the planet. They’re very friendly , they can lick you ,loyal , the can follow you, and a man’s best friend and  girls best friend. There hunters so there act like Fierce protectors.They can be so many different things. For example, service dog for so many different reasons,blind people , deaf people so that’s why dogs are so good and amazing because they help people that are in need and they help so many more people.



This makes me think that dogs are the best pet ever because they were the first tamed animal,learn some many cool things and the   most popular pet on the planet! I encourage you to get a dog for theses 3 reason.



2 thoughts on “SWEET DOGE!!!!!!!!!”

  1. I also agree that dogs are very good pets because they can help humans with so many things. My dog is also a protector (actually, almost ALL dogs are protectors.)

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