Going to Leavenworth

“Okay everybody it’s time to go to Leavenworth, ” dad said.  So we grabbed all our stuff, and packed it under the car.  I was upstairs in my room, and my uncle was in his room in the RV. The road was really bumpy, I have got to see the beautiful Rocky Mountains, and  the ocean was really clear.  Then my dad said, ‘’it’s time to get some more gas.  ‘’I heard him ,so  “It’s time to get the gas gas gas gas gas gas ‘’ I said .Then my mom said” 2 hours in, Almost there.” Wow! Its so beautiful, so I went back up to my room and I painted the sky .The upstairs stays still but the bottom is kind of  bumpy but we only had one more hour until Leavenworth.


We arrived to the gas station. The check engine light turned on said that the car  had two flat tires  . After my dad fixed the tires the top of the car pop up . Smoke started coming out of it my dad was trying to fix it,so me and my uncle and my  mom we went inside the gas station. We got some food to eat we also got some food for my dad  ‘’Yum, and this is, so delicious,” I said . So we got back into the car my dad was still trying to fix  it.


My dad said ”OK it will be good in till we arrived.”My mom was scared so I started eating and eating and eating the rest of my food. I went back upstairs and I started playing around I had a little dance party showed off my tap moves then ,I did my jazz ,  then I did ballet ,then I did hip hop ,then I did modern , I stopped and lay down my mom yelled my name Lily “What,” I said,”Are you done eating?” and I said ‘’Yeah .‘’


‘’One more hour,” I said. ”It’s really beautiful .’’That  drawing is actually not that bad I thought it was going to be bad I’m just gonna dance no  I’m going to take a nap,’’ I said .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .One hour later we’re here me I jumped up so excited I just kept running around running around circles . They had the best food ever almost died after eating it how good it was . We went back to the RV are  grabbed  stuff and stayed in the hotel make and I was like yum yum yum because, I was eating  ice cream .I’ll dance dance with my hands hands hands up my head! I just sung that for  hours then we went to Oktoberfest.

The most exciting part about  Leavenworth is Oktoberfest . My favorite song popped up ‘’The ring of fire loving a fire down down,’’  I said by Johnny Cash I think.  We went to the beach and we got to see beautiful beautiful fireworks .  The next day we went to my favorite brunch place it has a train that goes around the whole entire ceiling it’s really really fun to watch.





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